On 03/31/2010 08:52 PM, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:
> We have just (anecdotally, empirically) established earlier in this
> thread, that anything smaller than a mid-sized business, can't even
> *GET* IPv6 easily (at least in the USA); much less care about it.

fwiw, that last time I was at a company that needed a prefix, we wrote
up an addressing plan, applied, received an assignment, payed our money
and were done. if a pool of public addresses are a resource you need to
run your business  you can secure it, and it's simpler and dealing with
for example health insurance.

> Talking about a "crystal ball", in my view, is just a lot of hand-waving
> that means "I don't have a real-world example to point to".
> Talking about "the Next Big Thing" means that somehow, the NBT will be
> present without any residential or small business broadband users
> partaking in it.  Sounds like a pretty small piece of the pie for the NBT...
> For the record, I have no dog in this fight; I just think that the
> rhetoric / fanboi-ism / advocacy level is just a little too high -
> emotion rather than reason is taking over in the course of debate, which
> for me at least, is unwelcome.
> Cordially
> Patrick

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