On Apr 8, 2010, at 8:54 AM, TJ wrote:

>> IPv6-only content won't be meaningful for years yet, and IPv6-only
>> eyeballs will necessarily be given ways to reach v4 for many years
>> to come.
> To be fair - IPv6 only content may not exactly be commonplace, but there are
> IPv6-only networks out there ... they just tend to consist of "things"
> rather than "people".
> For the "surfable internet", the chicken-and-egg scenario continues - as
> more services get reachable, it should create impetus for users - all dual
> stack (hopefully) ... until a threshold is crossed, when it becomes more
> feasible to be a general consumer who was IPv6-only (or really bad IPv4
> alongside it).  I also think "for years" and "for many years" are very
> relative terms :) ...
> /TJ

I think that the creation of consumers with IPv6-only or really bad IPv4
along side it will result sooner than any threshold of IPv6-ready content
is reached.  I think this will be the result of not having IPv4 addresses
to give those consumers rather than the result of IPv6 deployment.


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