Owen DeLong wrote:
> I had an interesting discussion with someone from Registration Services at 
> ARIN today.
> The big requests for IP space (the 11 organizations that hold 75% of all ARIN 
> issued
> space) do not come from the server side... They come from the eye-ball ISPs.  
> The only
> /8 issued by ARIN to an ISP, for example, was issued to a cable ISP.
> With this in mind, I don't think there's much to be gained here.  Optimizing 
> the utilization
> of less than 25% of the address space in the face of the consumption rate on 
> the 75%
> side simply cannot yield a meaningful result. It really is akin to 
> rearranging the deck
> chairs on the Titanic.

The eyeball ISPs will find it trivial to NAT should they ever need to do
so however, something servers cannot do - you are looking at numbers,
not operational considerations.


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