On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 9:15 AM, Mark Tinka <mark.ti...@seacom.mu> wrote:
> On Thursday, April 03, 2014 02:51:20 PM Randy Bush wrote:
>> you want revenge or to prevent the effects of recurrence?
> I'd like to consider targeted suggestions for fixes that
> address the specific challenges affecting "seasoned"
> upstreams vs. their downstream customers.

at this point it's hard to come up with a suggestion aside from:
"stop being negligent" :(

if after so many incidents and so many years, and seeing so many of
your friends trip on the stairs and break an arm, you'd think
providers would route-filter their customers just to avoid going to
the hospital.

> I can understand how an ISP with relatively little
> experience can mess this up (and glad to help here to
> educate wherever possible). But if an "established" provider
> is still struggling with this, why is that?

I'm going to guess:
  1) who's going to pay for the filtering setup work?
  2) we have always done it this way... why change?
  3) adrenaline rush?

>> one nice thing about origin validation is that anyone who
>> validates anywhere on the internet can reject the
>> mis-origination(s).
> +1.
> Mark.

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