On Thu, May 08, 2014 at 12:31:23PM +0200, Henning Brauer wrote:
> * Saku Ytti <s...@ytti.fi> [2014-05-08 12:14]:
> > If OBSD can't afford MAC addresses but does not object to them in 
> > principle, I
> > can give forever IRU for 256 MAC addresses to OBSD for 0USD one-time fee.
> when/if we change the mac addrs, the new range should be utterly
> correct and not just "a little bit better". not sure this would
> qualify.

I fail to see the issue with using these addresses, they are globally
unique and correctly administrated at IEEE, Saku Ytti can do whatever he
wants (like giving indefeasible rights of use to the OpenBSD Foundation). 

It won't come any cheaper than this (I am Dutch, I recognise a good deal
when I see one!).

If the team accepts I'll submit a patch to wireshark so decoded packets
containing MACs from that block are properly identified as "OpenBSD".

Kind regards,


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