We've corresponded offline.

I documented the difficulties in providing reverse DNS for IPv6
residential users in http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-howard-isp-ip6rdns-06
It's a long-expired draft, which never found sufficient support from a WG
or AD.  I've been meaning to rewrap it as a BCOP, but lack cycles.


On 6/12/14 11:58 AM, "hasser css" <hasserva...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Some IPv6 email is not working well for me on my TWC Internet connection
>due to their IPv6 block not having PTR records.
>Is it possible for me to delegate my IPv6 range to my own DNS server, or
>something similar? I have talked to level 3 support and they were pretty
>much clueless, so I decide to ask here if anyone has insight or similar
>issues in the past.

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