On Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Scott Helms <khe...@zcorum.com> wrote:
> If your issues are common in your  town then getting the attention of
> city/town hall ought to be pretty damn easy, I've had to do so myself.  If
> its just your neighborhood it still ought not be very hard.

Hi Scott,

You're welcome to give it a try. I'll cheer you on and offer any data,
letters, etc. that I can. Sad to say, but folks in the DC area are
true masters of intransigence. We've elevated it to an art form.

That billing dispute with the gas company took 18 months to resolve,
and didn't get fixed until after it was referred to their lawyers.
Even then I strongly suspect the fact that I was offering to pay them
when the guy who opened the account and whose name was on the bill
died 25 years prior probably had more to do with it than any argument
about reasonableness.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin ................ her...@dirtside.com  b...@herrin.us
Owner, Dirtside Systems ......... Web: <http://www.dirtside.com/>
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