Barry Schein:
> I'm reminded of the remark often attributed to DEC CEO Ken Olson,
> roughly:
>   With VMS (their big complex OS) it might take hours searching
>   through manuals to find a feature you need while with Unix you can
>   determine in seconds that it is not available.

and how did that work out for vms?  and digital?

Jeffrey Ollie wrote:
> The people that like systemd (like myself) have wisely learned that
> the people that hate systemd, hate it mostly because it's different
> from what came before and don't want to change.  There's no way to
> argue rationally with that.

and with this ad homina you dismiss all technical, architectural, and
security concerns.  much from folk who have been administering unix
systems since you were in nappies.  and you advocate rational argument?

Daniel Corbe <> wrote:
> Not to get even further off topic here but when was the last time you
> maintained a BSD system?  FreeBSD (at least) adopted binary package
> management as its preferred interface to ports through pkg-ng
> somewhere in the 9-RELEASE cycle.

i am a long time bsd user and deployer.  amelioration of shellshock,
heartbleed, and poodle on an annoying number of servers was not any
better on freebsd than debian.


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