Mark is right and I couldn't agree more with him.

On 15/07/15 08:22, Mark Andrews wrote:

> Yet I can take a Windows XP box.  Tell it to enable IPv6 and it
> just works.  Everything that a node needed existed when Windows XP
> was released.  The last 15 years has been waiting for ISP's and CPE
> vendors to deliver IPv6 as a product.  This is not to say that every
> vendor deployed all the parts of the protocol properly but they
> existed.
> Most of the noise was people saying "We don't need IPv6" and second
> guessing the design decisions because they still had IPv4 think.
> If you look at the protocol it basically hasn't changed in the last
> 15 years. There has been minor tweak but what was there was complete
> enough to deploy.


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