On 14/06/2016 20:49, Randy Bush wrote:
> the O in nanog is operator, not sponsor, panderer, suck up, ...  we're
> spending millions for half debugged underperforming crap and we are
> cornered by infrastructure providers (e.g. ixps) who run us over time
> and again if it makes an extra penny.

I am not at NANOG67 and am following this issue remotely.  Excuse me if I am 
getting this all wrong.  Dave shows a slide that LINX made $2.3M profit and 
AMS-IX made $4.1M last year and Randy states "that the IXPs run us over to make 
an extra penny"?  

Would we prefer that Level3 which reported profits of $122M operate the IXPs 
instead?  Or perhaps NTT with $4.7B in profits in 2015?

The Internet is no longer a volunteer operation run out of a few CS departments 
in major universities.  If an IXP makes $4M of profit - good for them.  I'd 
rather have each of these IXPs not only secure from cyber attacks but also 
secure financially. 

To all IXPs that keep the bits flowing - keep up the good work.  Kudos!


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