Modern medicine, sanitation, and sedentary lifestyles for the developed
world have effectively culled natural selection for most internet users.

On Oct 22, 2016 7:16 PM, "Keith Medcalf" <> wrote:

> On: Saturday, 22 October, 2016 17:41, Jean-Francois Mezei <
>> wrote:
> > On 2016-10-22 19:03, Keith Medcalf wrote:
> > > This does not follow and is not a natural consequence of sealing the
> > little buggers up so that they cannot affect the Internet
> > Problem is that many of these gadgets want to be internet connected so
> > mother at work can check on her kids at home, start the cooking, raise
> > thermostat etc.
> This does not require that the devices be open to the Internet, nor does
> it require that they are under the control of an Internet based controller.
> > The problem is that as a novelty, people are quick to adopt, but don't
> > think about making their homes vulnerable to attack. (consider an
> > internet connected door lock)
> There are many people who do not read this list who would have nothing
> whatsoever to do with such a scheme (earlier similar schemes are routers &
> etc that are programmed and controlled from the "web", and remote access
> crap which is proxied through a third-party web server -- another
> ill-conceived and brain-dead idea).  This is a self-limiting issue.  Darwin
> will take care of it.  Unfortunately there will be collateral damage as
> those not fit to the continuation of the species are eliminated from the
> gene pool.
> We should do our duty and make sure that the pool cleaning proceeds with
> the maximum speed and efficiency possible.

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