Scott Hernandez wrote:

I’ve written a simple SCPTask, that wraps scp.exe. For it to work, you need to have a setup that doesn’t require any password/pass-phrase to be typed. I’m thinking about adding this task to the newly (soon to be) formed NAntContrib project.


I’m thinking about ways of encrypting your password to a file so we can use that when prompted, but right it doesn’t work yet. This will hide your password outside the buildfile, but doesn’t really protect the contents much. I would assume this file would not be something that is actually checked into source control.


Sounds like a good way to go. Does ant have an ftp task ? If so I wonder how they've solved the same problem

I’m assuming that build files should be completely independent of user input. At no time should a task require the user to type anything, right?


Thats a valid assumption I think. Otherwise the goal of unattended builds kinda goes out the window. Still theres nothing stopping someone putting a MessageBox.Show() in a script block.



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