On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, Gert Driesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Too bad there was no follow-up after that ...  a missed opportunity
> if you ask me ...

This is not quite true.  Both Gerry and Ian followed up, the
cooperation just didn't work out somehow.  Not enough time and all

> We're planning on moving to an Apache or BSD style license,


> so that should make you feel a little more comfortable :-)

More than just "a little" to say the truth.

> Do you actually have any idea what the position of Apache is on .NET


Avalon has some C# stuff AFAIK.  mod_mono is under the Apache license
but not an ASF project (yet?).

> ?  Are they planning .NET projects ?

I think we don't rule out any language/platform at all.  .NET may have
some legal strings attached that one had to be careful of (like
avoiding to breach Microsoft patents - there are sooo many of them).

Each of the ASF projects would have to judge whether it wanted to
accept a .NET based subproject (an XML parser in xml.apache.org for

It feels as if there was a strong resistance against adding new
language centric projects (like Jakarta) and a stronger push towards
"protocol centric" projects (like ws.apache.org, for example).

Some of the old Jakarta projects have moved on to become top-level
projects (like Ant) and would be free to accept new subprojects.

I know that Geir has been in contact with some NVelocity people and
they even thought about moving NVelocity under Velocity at one point
in time.  There are similar cases like Log4NET.

It's more a question of communities finding their way into the ASF.
The ASF is not actively searching for projects, it waits for healthy
communities to come to the ASF (after all communities are more
important than code in Apache land).

> In my opinion, the .NET community really lacks coordination right
> now ..  Which is something Apache does a terrific job at for the
> Java open-source community .

You think so?  I've heard different opinions (why do you need three
Web-App frameworks under Jakarta ... ;-)


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