On Wed, 08 Oct 2003, Ian MacLean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> sure - just get the latest source from cvs,

"latest" means whatever you get when using anoncvs at sf.net 8-)

> run make

patched the Makefile to avoid the mono JIT.  Patch is appended.

> in the basedir and let us know if it works :)

no, it didn't, even with the patch.  Here's the log.  Not a NAnt but a
Mono problem, I'd say - unless NAnt tries to invoke mono instead of
mint internally somewhere, that is:

bash-2.05a$ make MONO=mint
make bootstrap
if test x = xWindows_NT; then make windows-bootstrap; else make linux-bootstrap; fi
cp lib/*.* bin/
cp lib/mono/1.0/*.* bin/
make linux-bootstrap-nant
mcs -target:exe -define:MONO -debug -o bin/NAnt.exe -r:lib/mono/1.0/log4net.dll 
-recurse:src/NAnt.Console/*.cs src/CommonAssemblyInfo.cs
i>>?Compilation succeeded
cp src/NAnt.Console/NAnt.Console.exe.config.linux bin/NAnt.exe.config
make linux-bootstrap-nant.core
mcs -target:library -define:MONO -debug -o bin/NAnt.Core.dll -r:bin/log4net.dll 
-r:System.Web.dll -recurse:src/NAnt.Core/*.cs src/CommonAssemblyInfo.cs
i>>?src/NAnt.Core/ConsoleDriver.cs(242) warning CS0618: Method 
`XslTransform.Load(System.Xml.XmlReader)' is obsolete: `You should pass evidence.'
src/NAnt.Core/Tasks/StyleTask.cs(262) warning CS0618: Method 
`XslTransform.Load(System.Xml.XmlReader)' is obsolete: `You should pass evidence.'
Compilation succeeded - 2 warning(s)
make linux-bootstrap-nant.dotnet
mcs -target:library -define:MONO -debug -o bin/NAnt.DotNetTasks.dll 
-r:./bin/NAnt.Core.dll -r:bin/NDoc.Core.dll -recurse:src/NAnt.DotNet/*.cs 
i>>?Compilation succeeded
make nant
if test x = xWindows_NT; then make windows-nant; else make linux-nant; fi
mint bin/NAnt.exe -buildfile:NAnt.build build
make[2]: *** [linux-nant] Bus error
make[1]: *** [nant] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

and the patch:

--- Makefile    Sat Jul 19 13:34:17 2003
+++ /tmp/Makefile       Wed Oct  8 13:54:08 2003
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # Simple makefile to build NAnt with Core and DotNetTasks
        make bootstrap
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@
        if test x$(OS) = xWindows_NT; then make windows-nant; else make linux-nant; fi
-       mono bin/NAnt.exe -buildfile:NAnt.build build
+       $(MONO) bin/NAnt.exe -buildfile:NAnt.build build
        echo Windows-based make is not yet supported; exit 1;\

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