I'm not sure that I agree with changing the license to a BSD or Apache-style license. The code I've contributed was for a GPL project - changing it now would be the same to me as a "bait-and-switch" scheme pulled by a company.

NAnt works well as a GPL'd project. It's effectively a stand-alone project. Any company wanting to incorporate it could simply bundle the executable. I don't see how a GPL'd .NET build project would scare people away more than a GPL'd C++ compiler.

I would, however, support adding a clause to the license exempting things like user-supplied or 3rd party tasks(though, even under the GPL these are required to be distributed if you're just keeping NAnt in-house) and development environments/plugins for such.

Take a look at the SharpZipLib license (GPL + linking exception) for one that's both business- and FSF-friendly.

My 2 cents,

Stefan Bodewig wrote:

Trying to chime in with a bit of experience from seeing project
migrate to the ASF.

On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, Gert Driesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: "Clayton Harbour" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On another note you mentioned license changes, I have always been
curious how that works/ is accomplished?

If you want to be really really save: Get all people who have ever
contributed anything to your code to agree on changing the license
with the next release.

You cannot change the license for your older releases, they've already
been out.  And the people who have contributed code still hold the
copyright to it (even under US law AFAIU).

Doing it with the next release also gives people who prefer the old
license the opportunity to have a stable forking point.  They can pick
up the code from before the license change and create a new project
from there.

I did have a quick look at the licensing stuff, and to me it seems
like a BSD-style license is the most open license ...

I feel I should put a big disclaimer in before I proceed.  I'm a
member of the Apache Software Foundation.  I am biased.  I'll try to
be fair when comparing the licenses, but may very well fail to do so.

All major open source licenses have their pros and cons.  The (L)GPL
on the one side and the BSDish licenses on the other simply have a
different focus.

Behind the (L)GPL is the philosophy of Free Software as defined by the
FSF.  It is a philosophy and a political manifesto that you can agree
with or not.  The GPL has been crafted to enforce this vision.

The GPL as well as BSDish licenses give their users the right to get
the code for free and to modify it.  The GPL takes away the user's
right to distribute the modified software under different licensing
terms, and it does so because it wouldn't be "Free Software" anymore

If you have any problem with big companies making money with your
software without giving anything back to you - the BSDish licenses are
not for you.

As for "most open", I'd say the MIT license[1] probably is the winner
here.  It basically says "do with this what you want, don't blame me".

The BSD license[2] adds one thing "don't advertize with my name, at least
not without asking for permission".

And the Apache Software License[3] adds brand protection on top of
this.  "Don't call your derived project like mine".

Note that this brand protection is the part that makes the FSF claim
the Apache Software License was incompatible with the GPL (i.e. a
GPLed software must not include Apache licensed code).

Footnotes: [1] http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

[2] http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php

[3] http://www.opensource.org/licenses/apachepl.php

The rest is my personal opinion, don't read on if you don't want to
see that 8-)

I for one don't agree with the FSF's vision, I feed my children from
money I get for writing commercial software and I don't feel bad about

I enjoy writing software and giving it away for free as well - and if
I contribute to a open source project that uses a BSDish license I get
the additional benefit that I may use my own code (plus improvements
made by others) for the commercial software I write.

If a big company comes and takes my code, modifies it and
redistributes it as a commercial product, this is no problem for me.
I don't believe in "free software", I believe in improved software and
that the commercial company will realize that it is in their better
interest to contribute their changes back instead of merging my
changes with theirs over and over again over time.


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