> I don't want branching done unless we have to. Unless there is a
reason we
> *need* to branch, then we should not.

:-).  Well that leaves very little room for discussion.

> Please see additional comments inline.

Responses inline.
> I understand what you are suggesting, I don't like that plan. From
> I've
> read, and the stories I've heard from other projects, and people who
> used, and understand, cvs much more than I do, it is best not to
> unless there is a very good reason.

Actually I have used (am using) this approach and it is working well.
It is a good plan and there are other projects that do this (i.e. using
netbeans as an example again and a very good read:

I understand what you are saying though as well: based on what you have
heard and read you have assigned a certain level of risk to branching.
In order to minimize that risk you would like to avoid it if possible.
I am not sure I agree with the approach but I can understand the
reasoning behind it.

> CVS is not VSS, SVN, or any other source control system. Even though
> these system work very similar in concept, there are some very serious
> differences in application.

I am not sure what you are getting at here.  I have only tinkered with
vss and svn and have not done branching/ merging with either so I really
can't comment on how cvs is the same/ different than either.

> Why should each developer need to maintain a seperate source branch on
> their
> local machine? 

Again, they wouldn't.  This would only happen if they had to make a bug
fix in the release branch.  If they did not then they would not.  The
link above goes into some more detail.

> If we use tags we just work from the head until we are
> ready
> for the releases. We will still have access to those specified
versions of
> files based on that tag. If at any point we need to branch, we can
> the
> tag. :)

Yes, you are correct you can branch at a later point in time.  This is
why I said our approaches were similar.



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