I was having this same problem! Thanks for the script.

+1 for a <ant> task


Subject: [nant-dev] New to the list
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 08:57:55 -0500

Hi everyone!  I joined this list because there are some differences between
Nant and Ant which have been causing me trouble.  I wanted to post my
solutions in the hopes that they may be useful.  If it's stuff that's
already been thought of, just tell me to shut up :)

The first problem I ran up against was running Ant from Nant.  On the
Windows platform, Ant is run through a batch file which does not
communicate the program exit code.  So the Nant build always believes that
the Ant build succeeded.  To get around this, I actually call the Java
class file like so:

            commandline="-classpath ${ant.cp}
org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher build"

This is obviously not a problem, however getting the classpath correct is a
pain because you have to add all the jars in the ant/lib directory since
Nant doesn't have any clue what a Java classpath is.  To achieve this, I
wrote a little script:

        <script language="C#">
                public static void ScriptMain( Project project ) {
                    string ald = project.Properties["ant.home"] + "/lib";
                    string jh = project.Properties["java.home"];
                    string cp = jh + "/lib/tools.jar";
                    DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(ald);
                    FileInfo[] files = di.GetFiles("*.jar");
                    foreach (FileInfo fi in files)
                        cp += ";" + ald + "/" + fi.Name;
                    project.Properties["ant.cp"] = cp;

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