Giuseppe Greco wrote:


attached to this email you'll find a tar.gz containing the
RESX skeletons. Could you please integrate them into the
project and import them into CVS?

The next steps would be:

1. Decide a standard for string IDs

How about somthing like 'NA1001' for errors and warnings.

 <!--Build Error Strings -->
 <data name="NA1001">
   <value>Could not find a '{0}' file in '{1}'</value>
   <comment>Some descriptive comment</comment>

which would then produce the following output :


Error: NA1001: Could not find a '*.build' file in 'C:\ianm\dev\test\csharp'

For more information regarding the cause of the build failure, run the build again in debug mode.


For other messages ( non error ) I don't know - is there a standard way of naming thems ?

While we are doing this I'd like to collate a list of the NAxxx ones so that we can add a list of NAnt error messages to the documentation..

2. Decide who does what

Why don't we pick a couple of assemblies each and work through them ?

3. Fill the RESX skeletons

4. Replace hardcoded string with ResourceUtils.GetString("string_id")

5. Update the build files

That will just be a case of adding the extra <resources> child elements. I'll do that today.

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