
> For this specific task, we use a combination of a custom regex
> function, and the loadfile, property and echo tasks.

Thanks... yours is very close to what I did. I didn't bother with the
regex's and stuff. Here is what I ended up with. It works well.

<target name="setversion">
 <echo message="Modifying ${filetoversion}" />
 <delete file="${filetoversion}.tmp" failonerror="false" />
 <foreach item="Line" property="vbpline" in="${filetoversion}">
   <property name="vbpline" value="MajorVer=${version.major}"
if="${string::starts-with(vbpline,'MajorVer')}" />
   <property name="vbpline" value="MinorVer=${version.minor}"
if="${string::starts-with(vbpline,'MinorVer') }" />
   <property name="vbpline" value="RevisionVer=${version.revision}"
if="${string::starts-with(vbpline,'RevisionVer') }" />
   <echo append="true" message="${vbpline}" file="${filetoversion}.tmp"
 <move file="${filetoversion}.tmp" tofile="${filetoversion}"
overwrite="true" />


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