Hi all,


I have NAnt set up to use intellisense in VS2010.  It works as expected
however I'm getting a Blue Tilde (Something like this "~" )  appearing
after the closing task bracket.  It shows a warning as follows:  


1.       The element cannot contain white space. Content model is empty.


I'm getting this:

1.       After the closing bracket for the <try> element in the
<TryCatch> task.

2.       After the closing bracket for the <finally> element in the
<TryCatch> task.

3.       After the closing bracket of the comment syntax "<!-comment
-->" .

4.       After the closing bracket for the <when> element in the
<choose> task.

5.       After the closing bracket for the <otherwise> element in the
<choose> task.



I'm also getting warnings like the following.   Any idea what would
cause this and/or how to fix them, if it's on my end?


"The element 'http://nant.sf.net/release/0.92/nant.xsd:try' cannot
contain child element 'http://nant.sf.net/release/0.92/nant.xsd:call'
because the parent element's content model is empty."


"The element 'http://nant.sf.net/release/0.92/nant.xsd:when' cannot
contain child element
'http://nant.sf.net/release/0.92/nant.xsd:property' because the parent
element's content model is empty."


"The element 'http://nant.sf.net/release/0.92/nant.xsd:otherwise' cannot
contain child element 'http://nant.sf.net/release/0.92/nant.xsd:fail'
because the parent element's content model is empty."


"The element 'target' in namespace
'http://nant.sf.net/release/0.92/nant.xsd' has invalid child element
'UpdateAssemblyVersion' in namespace
'http://nant.sf.net/release/0.92/nant.xsd'. List of possible elements
expected: 'gunzip, tar, untar, unzip, zip, testtask, elementTest1, test,
asminfo, al, csc, delay-sign, ilasm, jsc, license, ndoc, regsvcs,
resgen, script, vbc, vjc, nunit, nunit2, cvs-changelog, cvs-checkout,
cvs-pass, cvs, cvs-export, cvs-rtag, cvs-tag, cvs-update, cl, lib, link,
mc, midl, rc, solution, aximp, locatesdk, monoregistry, readregistry,
regasm, tlbexp, tlbimp, attrib, available, call, choose, copy, delete,
description, echo, exec, fail, get, if, ifnot, include, loadfile,
loadtasks, foreach, mail, mkdir, move, nantschema, nant, property,
regex, setenv, sleep, style, sysinfo, touch, trycatch, tstamp, uptodate,
xmlpeek, xmlpoke, ildasm, servicecontroller, tarfileset, zipfileset,
assemblyfileset, moduleset, namespaceimports, resourcefileset,
warnaserror, categories, cvsfileset, filterchain, credential, fileset,
dirset, path, patternset, proxy' in namespace
'http://nant.sf.net/release/0.92/nant.xsd' as well as any element in
namespace '##other'."


The element 'filterchain' in namespace
'http://nant.sf.net/release/0.92/nant.xsd' has invalid child element
'replacetokens' in namespace 'http://nant.sf.net/release/0.92/nant.xsd'.
List of possible elements expected: 'filter' in namespace


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