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Hello all!

All of you know of my concern about wolf issues, and ordinarily I don't send out stuff 
like this, but this is just more than I can handle! Please take a minute to check this 
out, then sign the petition if you feel in your heart (as I do!) that we must do 
something to stop this.

I'm thanking you in advance for helping out! Please read on...


I have just read and signed the petition:

Stop Ted Nugent's Wolf Hunt Sponsorship

Former rocker Ted Nugent is sponsoring a wolf hunt on eBay. I
believe such a hunt is inappropriate, and I think you probably
agree. Please help by following this link:


The system centralizes signature collection to provide consolidated,
useful reports for petition authors and targets.

Please forward this email to others you believe share your concern.

To view additional petitions, please click here:

Thank you,


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Visit and show your support for the Grass Roots Oyate

Clemency for Leonard Peltier. Sign the Petition.

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