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Here is a sample letter we are asking people to submit in support of the
legislation that will remove all mascots in public schools. We also note
the legislation will not effect any Native schools that have these types of
mascots; i.e., the Hoopa Warriors.

Also, each letter must have a letterhead to indicate the organization or
tribe. Thanks again.

Jackie Goldberg, Assemblymember, 45th District
Attn: Ilona Turner
State Capitol
Room 5155
Sacramento, CA 95814

RE: California Racial Mascots, AB2115---SUPPORT

Dear Assemblymember Goldberg:

We writ to express support for the California Racial Mascots Act, which
will eliminate racially offensive, insensitive or derogatory mascots or
nicknames in California public schools.

We want to add ours to the growing list of organizations in California and
around the country who believe that the continued use of Native American
images and nicknames in school sports is a barrier to equality and
understanding. We believe that the use of such images on public school
campuses creates unhealthy learning environments, perpetuates racial
stereotypes and subjects Native American students to derision and
discrimination. We further believe that the elimination of these images can
help create school communities in which the traditions and identities of
all cultures are valued highly.

By authoring the California Racial Mascots Act, you are offering our State
Legislature an opportunity to promote positive intercultural relationships
in publicly funded schools. We believe that all citizens--Native American
and non-Native, in California and across the country--stand to benefit from
its passage.




André Cramblit: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Operations Director Northern California Indian Development Council

NCIDC (http://www.ncidc.org) is a non-profit that meets the development
needs of American Indians and operates an art gallery featuring the art of
California tribes (http://www.americanindianonline.com)

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Clemency for Leonard Peltier. Sign the Petition.

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