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We Have Many Voices - Native American Ezine

Announcment From The bi-monthly ezine "We Have Many Voices"
We have updated our website where we bring you the news behind the news.

A brief description of each article is listed below, and you may read
them in their entirety at our web page:
We Have Many Voices Ezine

Voting Rights Act Hearing
by Ruth Steinberger, Lakota Journal
On Tuesday January 30, 2002, a three judge panel in Federal Court for the
District of South Dakota in Pierre, SD, heard arguments on the first part of
the two part suit, Bone Shirt, et al vs. Hazeltine, et al. This portion of
the suit seeks either a temporary or permanent injunction against the
implementation of the recently enacted redistricting plan for the State of
South Dakota. The suit, filed on behalf of named plaintiffs Alfred Bone
Shirt, Belva Black Lance, Germaine Moves Camp and Bonny High Bull, was filed
by the Voting Rights Project of the ACLU, due to the failure by the state to
file as required by federal law for prior approval by the Department of

The Voting Rights Act of 1965
(42 U.S.C. 1973 to 1973aa-6)
The Voting Rights Act makes it illegal to discriminate in voting based on
someone's membership in a language minority group. The idea behind the
Voting Rights Act's minority language provisions is to remove language as a
barrier to political participation, and to prevent voting discrimination
against people who speak minority languages. The language minority
provisions are contained in Sections 203 and 4(f)(4) of the Voting Rights
Act. Section 203 is codified at 42 U.S.C. 1973aa-1a; Section 4(f)(4) is
codified at 42 U.S.C. 1973b(f)(4).

The Story of Joel Ritchie
by Jessie Metz
Joel Ritchie, born on March 2, 1972, was arrested for alleged murder of his
female roommate and friend, Terri Schreiber, on April 12, 1997. The girl was
found dead in their apartment two days earlier, on April 10, 1997, she was
killed by 14 stab wounds. Joel was incarcerated at Manitowoc County Jail in
Wisconsin. His trial started in October, 1998, his attorney at that time was
Mr. Parent, the DA was Mr. Fitzgerald. The evidence used against Joel was
based on weak argumentation; there was no witness, and no confession. Even
the attorney said that the state did not have enough proof.

The Environment Our Children Live In - Part One
by Kasey Wolf Weaver
In the United States, the #1 cause of deaths among infants is birth defects.
Birth defects account for almost 20% of all infants' deaths each year. On
February 20, 2002, Trust for America's Health (TFAH) released their report
"Birth Defects Tracking and Prevention: Too Many States Are Not Making the
Grade" in which it stated that most states are doing a poor job of tracking
and preventing birth defects. Basically each state, the District of Columbia
and Puerto Rico are given a letter grade based on efforts made in research
and monitoring of birth defects. Only 8 out of the 52 received an A and over
half received a C or lower. With exposure to environmental hazards playing a
key role in some birth defects, the insufficient job of collecting data,
providing information hinder researchers in preventing birth defects and
finding their causes. Many of the states do not even explore possible links
between birth defects and environmental exposures.

Enviro-Rants From an All Natural Soapbox
by Jamie Lockard
It's that time again kiddies. A bi-weekly look at the environmental
atrocities the corporations of America continue to commit all in the name of
"good product development".  I struggle every week to decide what to write
about. I typically tend to go with the subject that makes that vein in my
forehead stick out the most. It's almost a game with my son. He will watch
until my face becomes bright red as I read over the subject matter. When he
laughs the loudest at the ripe tomato complexion I've obtained, I know I've
got my topic. This week.was tough. There are so many corporate morons in the
news today, that I could write an entire book on the subject. Perhaps I
will, but I don't want to lose your interest that quickly, so I thought this
week, I would do something different. Don't fret my faithful flock, there
will still be a fair amount of morons we all want to go Apache on. You all
know what I mean, don't look at the screen like that. This issue, I will do
a follow up on several previous articles. That means, there is an above
average amount of stupidity in this weeks article. Above average
stupidity.an oxymoron. You know who you are.

Harvard Announces Finalists for American Indian Tribal Governance Awards
CAMBRIDGE, MA The first-ever American Indian tribally operated eagle
sanctuary that helps meet a pueblo's religious and ceremonial needs, an
internationally recognized Native American lacrosse team whose members
travel abroad using passports issued by their Indian nation, and a tribal
wellness program that prevents and combats diabetes are among the 16
finalists in Harvard University's American Indian tribal governance awards
program for the year 2002.

Remembering Wounded Knee-1973
by Carter Camp, Ponca
Today is heavy with prayer and reminisces for me. Today is the anniversary
of the night when, at the direction of the Oglala Chiefs, I went with a
special squad of American Indian Movement warriors to liberate Wounded Knee
in advance of the main AIM caravan. For security reasons the People had been
told everyone was going to a meeting/wacipi in Porcupine, the road goes
through Wounded Knee. When the People arrived at the Trading Post we had
already set up a perimeter, taken eleven hostages, run the B.I.A. cops out
of town, cut most phone lines, and began 73 days of the best, most free time
of my life. The honor of being chosen to go first still lives strong in my

Environmental Alerts
Collected by Kasey WolfWeaver

Upcoming Opportunities
collected by Kasey WolfWeaver

Craft Series - Regalia - Headwear - Part Three
by Lynne Sageflower Pennington
Over the next several months I will be starting to do articles on American
Indian Regalia. My plans are to do the basic clothing. I wish I could cover
every tribe but it would take a book to do every tribe. When it comes to
regalia we want to be as authentic as possible. Due to poor preservation of
articles and the limitation in archaeological research sometimes we must
rely on paintings, photographs or written text to give us descriptions on
what our ancestors wore.

The "Stoic" Indian
by Paul Barry
In each issue, you will find a funny story here. Perhaps, even a true story
or one with a moral.

Moccasin Telegraph - News of Interest from Indian Country
Gathered by Raven Weaver

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place either "Subscribe" or "Unsubscribe" in the subject line and "Many
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Thank you!
The Many Voices Staff,

Lynne Pennington, Webmaster, Arts and Crafts
Donna Ennis, Health Issues
Kasey Weaver, Environmental and Health Issues
Jamie Lockard, Environmental Issues
Raven Weaver, News Research & Administration
Vicki Lockard, Legal & Political Issues
Paul Barry, Go-Fer

"We Have Many Voices" is a free, bi-weekly, online Newsletter addressing
issues of interest to Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and First Nations
people. We do not provide subscriber or visitor names to anyone. Some
articles presented in "We Have Many Voices" may contain copyright material.
We have received appropriate permissions for republishing any articles.
Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monetary gain to
those who have expressed an interest. This is in accordance with Title 17
U.S.C. section 107 Fair Use doctrine of international copyright law.

"We Have Many Voices" is a copyright © 2001 of Lynne Pennington, Kasey
Weaver, Raven Weaver, Donna Ennis, Jamie Lockard, Paul Barry and Vicki

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