And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 10:07:11 -0600
>X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.2 (16)
>To: Freedom Heart Rising <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: Freedom Heart Rising <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Please keep sending letters - they are working!  LEONARD: LPDC
>  News:
>Our letters are really working.  We are getting complaint calls about the
>amount mail, faxes and phone calls that are coming in about Leonard's case.
> Today the Canadian Embassy called because of all the mail and faxes.  The
>Canadian Justice Minister Anne Mc Clellan's office also reported that they
>are getting flooded with mail. Ms. Kathleen Hawk Director, Bureau of
>Prisons and Warden Booker have also been telling people that they are
>getting overwhelmed by the correspondence on behalf of Leonard Peltier.
>Please keep writing.  At this time letters and faxes to President Bill
>Clinton and his assistant in charge of Executive Clemency Charles Ruff are
>URGENTLY needed.  Please ask your friends, family and associates to take
>this time to make it a priority to contact the President and urge him to
>Grant Executive Clemency. Organize a letter writing party.  A number of
>prominent Democrats believe that this is the most likely time for Clinton
>to grant Clemency.  Now that the Impeachment Hearings are over we have been
>told that we must step up the pressure during the next few weeks.  
>The Honorable President William Jefferson Clinton
>1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
>Washington, DC 20500
>Phone 202-456-1414
>Fax 202-456-2461
>Dear Mr. President Clinton,
>I am writing to say how relieved I am that the Impeachment Hearings are
>over.  Now that that terrible ordeal has passed, please grant Native
>American activist Leonard Peltier Executive Clemency. I know you must share
>my concern for an innocent person such as Mr. Peltier, who is suffering
>life in prison for a crime he did not commit.   Leonard Peltier has been
>incarcerated now for twenty-three years despite the fact that the
>government has conceded on numerous occasions that they do not know who is
>responsible for the deaths of the agents or what part Leonard Peltier may
>have had in them. I am adding my voice to those who have been requesting
>that you free Leonard Peltier.
>While the Impeachment hearings were consuming much of your time many
>international Human Rights organizations have urged you to look into the
>case of Leonard Peltier.  On February 11, 1999 the European Parliament
>passed a resolution (B4-0169,0175,0179 and 0199/99) insisting that you
>grant Mr. Peltier Executive Clemency.  Amnesty International also urged you
>to review the case of Leonard Peltier as part of it's campaign against
>human rights violations committed by the United States. This December
>Leonard's case was featured at the 50th anniversary commemoration of the
>Universal Declaration on Human Rights in Paris.  Now that the Impeachment
>Hearings are over I know that you will listen to the many millions of
>people who are asking you to free Mr. Peltier.  

>I strongly urge you to do the right thing and grant executive clemency to
>Leonard Peltier.  Millions of people internationally know the case of
>Leonard Peltier and what it symbolizes and millions upon millions more
>continue to learn about it. If you listen to our valid demands for justice,
>you will be remembered by millions for a gracious act, which you will go
>down in history for. Please listen to all of us who are asking you to free
>Leonard Peltier. 
>Leonard is suffering from severe health conditions.  He filed for executive
>clemency five years ago.  Please do not send me a form letter stating that
>his petition is still under review by the justice department. Instead,
>please look into this case and take immediate action.  Thank you.
>President Bill Clinton
>1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
>Washington DC 20500
>cc your clemency letters to:
>US Pardon Attorney
>Roger C Adams
>500 First Street NW Suite 400
>Ref: Leonard Peltier #89637-132
>Washington DC 20530
>Charles Ruff
>725 17th St. NW
>Washington DC 20503
>Ms. Kathleen Hawk
>Director, Bureau of Prisons
>320 First St. NW
>Washington, DC 20534
>Fax: (202) 514-6878
>Phn: (202)307-3198
>Warden Booker
>Leavenworth Federal Prison
>Box 1000
>Leavenworth, KS 66048
>Please release the EXTRADITION REPORT
>The Honorable Anne Mc Clellan, Member of Parliament
>Minister of Justice
>The House of Commons
>Ottawa, Canada K1A 0A6
>fax (613) 996-4516
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          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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