And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


The Excruciating History of Dentistry
by James Wynbrandt
Mercury Falling

Health hazards for dentists and patients have been a topic of concern
since the 1830's when mercury-based amalgams were introduced. Soon the
literature was documenting suspected cases of so-called "Amalgam-related
illness," helping fuel the amalgam war that raged across the United
States. These concerns were largely quieted with the introduction of
better amalgams. In recent years, concerns have arisen anew, with
reports linking amalgam fillings to neurological illness and multiple
Mercury poisoning or intoxication results from cumulative exposure.
Muscular tremors are the first observable sign, initially seen perhaps
in the handwriting. It can progress to a multi symptomatic illness
characterized by fatigue, insomnia, depression, headache, slurred
speech, and a host of peculiar psychic disturbances called "erthism,"
bouts of self-consciousness, timidity, embarrassment with insufficient
reason, resentment of criticism, anxiety, and irritability or
excitability. In more advanced cases, hallucinations and memory loss may
be present. Intoxication can produce a complete personality change in
the affected individual. But wait, there's more: other symptoms include
loss of appetite and nausea, lack of concentration, edema (swelling) of
the face and legs, excess salivation, metallic taste and foul breath.
Gingivitis, recession of the gums, and mobility of the teeth are also
common. Once exhibited, owing to the persistence of mercury in the body
tissues, symptoms can last for years.
Currently, over 4 million pounds of mercury per year are used in the
United States, with over 210,000 pounds used by dentists--about
two-and-one-half pounds each on the average. And what of dentists' own
exposure? Recent surveys have found at least 10 percent of dental
offices in the United States have ambient mercury levels above the
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health recommendations.
Blood and urinalysis of dentist attending professional meetings have
found from 50 percent to 70 percent of those tested had above-normal
levels of mercury. Inhalation of vapors is the dentists' primary source
of mercury poisoning, and secondarily direct absorption from handling
mercury-tainted compounds.
"No longer can the dental profession ignore the problem of mercury
contamination in the dental office," intoned the Journal of the American
Dental Association in 1976. Fortunately, today devices like the Mercury
Vapor Sniffer, mercury Vapor Meter, Mercury Vapor Monitor, mercury Vapor
Analyzer, and the Mercury Vapor Detector can sniff out the problem.



    Mercury is appearing more and more these days as a toxic metal problem.
With mercury the carcinogenic effect is not strong, similar to lead, and the
neurological effect is well known for years.   Metals toxicity depend a lot on
the form of the metal.    Mercury when methylated is an extreme toxin that can

pass thru the skin and kill an exposed person.    This also means it get thru
cell walls just as fast where it harms the DNA.    Mercury encountered in
foods takes another pathway in that the stomach reacts the sulfuric acid with
the mercury and produces mercury sulfide which is not soluble and not well
absorbed by the stomach and gut.

   When metals are inhaled another pathways takes over.   Often the lung will
absorb metals dusts as oxides----which are often insoluble.   Over time the
lining will convert these insolubles to soluble forms as they interact with
cells------it is in a way a form of methylization.    This makes the lung
pathways much more dangerous for exposures to metals dusts.    We see this
effect in the Gulf War persons exposed to tones of DU dusts and folks around
nuke weapons plants exposed to this same pathway.

   Mercury in the above is associated to edema and edema is an autoimmune
disease of the tissues-----usually appearing in the lower legs.   Here the
mercury is combined with the tissue cells and alters the DNA.    Edema often
appears as a hardening of the tissues and almost looks like someone literally
turns to stone from the effects. 

   Mercury has been used in Oak Ridge and massive quantities lost to the
environment thru evaporation and into creeks.   Some 2.4 million pounds of
mercury have been lost out of the processes at Y-12 and some entire large
buildings are closed because of it and when it rains the mercury is flushed
into the creek that runs thru the town.   Mercury was used in the isotope
separation of Lithium-6 which is used in hydrogen bombs.   Workers around the
plants here have many examples of metals poisoning.    Even construction
workers brought in to repair eroded drain pipes in the plant became sick
due to
uranium and mercury exposures in a few months and lost security clearances and
were fired.   Many suffered long term effects for decades.   Many complained
of sexual impotence and all kinds of chronic illnesses.

   Mercury is just one example of heavy metal dangers to the public.   Many
persons with severe CFS or MCS find improvement in health if the mercury in
their teeth fillings is removed.    This lessens the slow toxic insult on
their body.   Mercury also affects the bone marrow cells and is connected to
the appearance of many virals in the body-------which can further damage
nervous system cells.

   Extremely small amounts of select heavy metals can severely damage the
immune resistance---------when the effects come from several heavy metals
insults in air and from similar radiations in the last 50 years--------it puts
large portions of the population at immune system failings toxic levels.

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African Proverb
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