And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

From: "Craven, Jim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Paul Watson allies with a far-right Republican in his fight against 
aboriginal whaling
by: M-J Milloy

HOUR Magazine
Montreal, Quebec
10.9.98/page 12

It took the early white missionaries and explorers weeks to navigate the rugged 
coastline of northern Washington State to reach the Makah nation, perched on the very 
northwestern tip of the U.S. It won't take that long for Paul Watson.

Sometime next month the veteran anti-whaling activist will make that trip with a 
three-ship flotilla from his Sea Shepherd Society. Their goal is to disrupt, by almost 
any means necessary, the first traditional whale hunt by the Makah in over a 

Watson--who promises to "talk to the whales" with Orca-like  sonar signals and may try 
to physically block the Makah vessels--is no stranger to uncompromising, and very 
media-savvy, direct action. Like a modern-day Hemingway hero, this not-so-old man 
wears his adventures on the sea like a badge of pride. Jailed in Holland. Rammed by 
the Norwegian navy. Co-founder of Greenpeace. World-wide defender of the international 
ban on commercial whaling.

It's an image that sells--and his exploits and opinions are rabidly eaten up by many 
in the media and trendy liberals in Hollywood including Daniel Baldwin and "Dr. Quinn" 

But when Watson's three-ship flotilla and the Makah whaling boats weigh anchor in 
early October, their conflict in the Juan de Fuca Strait will be about more than just 
the fate of some unlucky grey whales. Their clash will recall earlier battles over 
culture and sovereignty between the Makah and white outsiders like missionaries and 
government agents.

And there will be more than just the spirits of the past along on Watson's armada: 
supporting Watson's actions are Jack Metcalf, the local Republican congressman, who 
has links to the American far right.

With missionary zeal, Paul Watson has made an unholy alliance--and chosen a no-longer 
endangered species over an endangered nation.

For the Makah that support the hunt--most of the tribal elders and about 85 percent in 
a 1995 referendum, according to the tribal administration--the hunt means a chance to 
revive Makah traditions lost through forced assimilation and the end of the commercial 
hunt in the 1920s.

"Many of us believe that the problems besetting our young people stem from a lack of 
discipline and pride. We believe the restoration of whaling will help us to restore 
that", wrote the Makah Whaling Commission in a public release. No one at the 
Commission would speak to Hour.

The Commission also notes that they are guaranteed the right to whale in their 1885 
treaty with the U.S. government, and that the Makah would take at most 20 whales by 
the year 2000--out of a total population of over 20,000.

Watson is dismissive of the Maka's claim of cultural revival. All they're reviving is 
"pulling the trigger on a 50-calibre gun", according to Watson. In addition, the Sea 
Shepherd Society has condemned the hunt as an "archaic and inhuman ritual" and claimed 
that traditional Makah hunting culture would include disinterring and mutilating the 
corpse of a Makah child.

"Progress affects everyone living in this new era of the Global Village. No legitimate 
argument can be made that the Makah, or any other ethnic group, can move their culture 
forward through ritual killing", according to a public release from the society.

Although these words echo early Christian missionaries--who condemned aboriginal 
culture as savage and obsolete during colonization--Watson isn't comfortable acting as 
the arbiter of Makah culture or progress.

"If you want to revive culture and traditions, how do you do that by killing 
something", he said.

Watson's arrogance is almost more than one local observer, a professor in Vancouver, 
Washington, and a Blackfoot, can take. "I'm watching daily, the destruction of Indian 
people--and culture is a central aspect of that. I see our culture ridiculed, mocked, 
defiled...and all this emotion about whales and nothing said about people far closer 
to extinction", said Jim Craven of Clark College.

For Watson, the Makah motivations are neither social good nor cultural revival--but 
strictly economic gain.

"This is a community that is very well off. I've not seen any poverty in their 
community. They've wiped out their fishery and now they want to take the whales", he 

The hunt will only enrich part of their community, and is being supported by whaling 
nations--like Japan and Norway--who want to use "cultural exemptions" to restart their 
own whaling fleets, according to Watson.

But while Watson uses the alleged Makah connection to the Japanese whaling industry to 
oppose the hunt, he has entered into his own marriage of unholy convenience.

Congressman Jack Metcalf represents the extreme northwestern chunk of Washington State 
that includes the Makah territory. Watson and Metcalf are longtime opponents of the 
Makah hunt, and Metcalf has filed lawsuits and lobbied in Congress--eventhough he is a 

How do you explain a Republican supporting an environmentalist, let alone the most 
militant of the lot? Metcalf's involvement in the wise-use movement tells most of the 

Sometimes called "property rights" advocates, wise-users' main concern is the defense 
of individuals' property rights including the rights of individuals to own, develop 
and enjoy--primarily through hunting and fishing--their private property. Aboriginal 
treaties and groups stand in the way of that unfettered enjoyment.

Metcalf has been at the centre of the movement. Before being elected to Congress in 
the "Contract with America" Republican wave, Metcalf helped start the United Property 
Owners of Washington, a property-rights lobby group. The UPOW is affiliated with the 
national Citizens Equal Rights Alliance, which has a history of opposing aboriginal 
treaty rights.

"I don't believe for a minute that Jack Metcalf cares about whales", said Bill Watson 
of the Northwest Coalition, a Seattle NGO.

"It's a way to go after the tribe. It's a way to extend his anti-Indian campaign. 
Believe me, if it was someone else doing the whaling, he wouldn't mind at all."

Case in point, Metcalf had one of the lowest scores on environmental legislation 
during the last session in Congress, voting against bills for clean air and water, and 
for bills to weaken the Environmental Protection Agency and logging restrictions, 
according to the Sierra Club.

But there is also evidence that Metcalf is much more than simply an anti-environment 
and anti-Indian, since the wise-use movement, and Jack Metcalf, are gaining increasing 
support from the furthest fringe of the far right.

Metcalf's supporters include the Spotlight, a far-right newsletter published by Willis 
Carto. Carto--called "the most influencial professional anti-Semite[in the U.S.]" by 
the Simon Wiesenthal Centre--has a long history of Holocaust-denial work and links to 
Republican politicians. And according to the files of the Anti-Racist Action Network, 
there is also growing evidence that the wise-use movement is being infiltrated by 
white-power activists, including people affiliated with groups like the Aryan Nation.

Bill Watson hasn't heard of Metcalf's connection to Carto et al, but he's not 

"Metcalf is floating on the edge of the extreme patriot right."

Paul Watson claims ignorance of any of the links between his anti-whaling ally and the 
lunatic fringe of the American right. "I haven't seen any evidence that he's 
anti-Indian at all", he said.

"You have to agree to disagree on certain things and take your support where you can 
get it."

Paul Watson will speak on Concordia's de Seve Auditorium on September 16 at 18h. Free. 
Info: 848-7483


M-J Milloy
News Editor,
HOUR Magazine
Montreal, PQ
514.848.0777 (voice)
514.848.9004 (fax)

  James Craven             
  Dept. of Economics,Clark College
  1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. Vancouver, WA. 98663
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tel: (360) 992-2283 Fax: 992-2863
"The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards Indians; their land
property shall never be taken from them without their consent." 
(Northwest Ordinance, 1787, Ratified by Congress 1789)

Those who take the most from the table,
teach contentment.
Those for whom the taxes are destined,
demand sacrifice.
Those who eat their fill, speak to the hungry,
of wonderful times to come.
Those who lead the country into the abyss,
call ruling difficult,
for ordinary folk.
(Bertolt Brecht)  

*My Employer  has no association with My Private and Protected Opinion*
Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
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                      Unenh onhwa' Awayaton
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