And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 16:36:14 -0400
From: Lynne Moss-Sharman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New Credit Reserve: designs in wheatfield a gift
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        By ALLISON LAWLOR, Brantford Expositor Staff  Aug 6, 1999

NEW CREDIT--A mysterious symbol will be erased from the wheat field behind Ken King's 
house today, but he vows its message will live on. King believes the patterns in the 
field, located on a farm at the New Credit Reserve north of Hagersville, was used to 
communicate something to him from the Creator. "The bottom line is," he said, "it's a 

The design, located in a 100-metre section of the field, includes a combination of 
circles, a peace sign, a star, various rectangles, lines and a shape that resembles a 
human stick figure. The patterns, surrounded by harvested wheat less than a metre 
high, are formed in sections of flattened stalks close to the soil. While King might 
see the detailed crop circle as a sign that we need to open our eyes to the spiritual 
world, others see it differently. "I've had every explanation from A to Z now," said 
King. Since June 22, when the design was noticed by King's brother Clynt, the circle's 
existence has been explained by numerous people. Some say it was caused by electicity, 
others credit it to wind patterns and some believe the circle was created by kids 
playing a prank. Despite all the theories, no one can say with certainty what really 
caused it. "People asked me how long it took me to do it," King said. But then 
explanations don't seem that important when phenomenons such as !
 one occur. Almost everyone who passed through King's property just wanted a look. 
Over the past two weeks more than 1,500 people have seen the pattern. King has a guest 
book to prove it. He got the book last week and asked visitors to sign their names.

Everyone from native elders, psychics, Buddhists and tourists from as far away as New 
Zealand have visited King's field -- each with his own theory about the mystery spot. 
The director of the Circles Phenomenon Research Canada also visited the property. Soil 
and radiation tests were done to determine whether scientific findings might help shed 
light on the phenomenon. So far it hasn't. Today is the last day to witness the large 
crop circle. At 1 p.m., King plans to bundle the wheat stalks and give it out as 
tokens. A mechanic by trade, King rents out 50 acres of land to a local farmer. The 
formation went unnoticed until King's brother Clynt discovered the pattern while 
testing his new all-terrain vehicle on the property. The farmer who works the area had 
seen the patterns earlier while harvesting but didn't say anything to King. He 
dismissed the designs as kids play.

On Thursday, King, along with some friends, held their last of four sweat lodges down 
field from the formation. The lodges are meant to give thanks to the Creator and 
thanks to whoever or whatever sent them the message. "I never asked for this," said 

               "Let Us Consider The Human Brain As
                A Very Complex Photographic Plate"
                     1957 G.H. Estabrooks

                    FOR   K A R E N  #01182
                   who died fighting  4/23/99

                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reprinted under the Fair Use doctrine 
of international copyright law.
           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                      Unenh onhwa' Awayaton
            UPDATES: CAMP JUSTICE    

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