And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Letters in support of the following are encouraged..send to:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
thank you,

Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 02:20:42 -0400
From: Albert RunningWolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Native American Mascots in the State of Indiana
X-Priority: 1 (Highest)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Dear  Dr. Suellen K. Reed ,
   We are writing to express our dismay about school districts that use
Native American nicknames, logos and mascots which are derogatory to
Native American people. The depiction's and names do not honor Native
American people but rather objectify them. It is particularly
inappropriate for a school district to be a vehicle of institutional
racism. The use of Native American nicknames and logos in schools
insures that children in attendance learn how to tolerate and embrace
stereotypes of Native Americans and how to perpetuate and maintain
discriminatory acts against a group of people.
      As long as using Native American people as mascots for “fun and
games” exists, so will opposition to it. At this point, opposition to it
is growing and will not go away.
      No Indiana school district would consider endorsing such portrayals
and antics for other ethnic groups such as African Americans, Asian
Americans, or American Chicanos. It is a simple matter of respect to
listen to the Native American community which is affected by such
symbolism and imagery.
      We encourage the Indiana Department of Education to change the
policy of allowing Native American nicknames, logos and mascots in our
public schools. By taking this action our state will demonstrate its
willingness to promote more accurate and authentic understanding and
awareness of Native American people.
      Many schools across the country from elementary to college
institutions have taken such action and eliminated the use of a Native
American nickname, logo or mascot. We hope that the Indiana Department
of Education will soon join this list.

  Thank you for your attention and consideration of this matter.


Albert RunningWolf
A.I.M. Central Indiana Support Group
P.O. Box 102
Brookville, IN 47012
765 647-5362 (fax & voicemail)
765 647-4947 (personal)
...still strong in the spirit and in the struggle!

<<<<=-=-=                                  =-=-=>>>> 
"We simply chose an Indian as the emblem.
  We could have just as easily chosen any
uncivilized animal."
   Eighth Grade student writing about his school's
   mascot, 1997

<<<<=-=  =-=>>>> 

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