A web-based version of today's and recent news are also available at

"9 Oil Concerns to Pay $223 Million Claim," The New York Times, 14 December
1999, C7.

["TYLER, Tex.: The Chevron Corporation, BP Amoco P.L.C., Conoco Inc.,
Texaco Inc. and five other oil companies have agreed to pay $223 million to
settle United States claims they undervalued oil pumped from American
Indian and government land, according to lawyers and company officials ...
Attorneys for the companies advised a federal judge of settlements in
whistle-blower lawsuits contending that a total of 18 companies underpaid
hundreds of millions of dollars in royalties on oil pumped from 27 million
acres of government and tribal land."]

"Oil Companies to Pay $223 Million; Suit, Companies Lied about Oil Lands'
Values," The Times-Picayune, 14 December 1999, 4D.

"Diamond Mine to Post $175M Deposit: Cash Will Pay Costs of Reclaiming Land
and Water at Site," Calgary Herald, 14 December 1999, D4.

["YELLOWKNIFE: The company hoping to develop Canada's second diamond mine
has agreed to post the biggest environmental security deposit ever assessed
in the North. Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. has agreed to pay into a fund that
will eventually total more than $175 million ... The money, to be paid in
instalments over the life of the mine, would cover all the costs of
reclaiming land and water at the mine site, about 300 kilometres northwest
of Yellowknife ... The Water Licence Board sets standards for the mine's
water use, including the acceptable level of pollutants and sediments it

Eggertson, Laura. "Commons Approves Nisga'a Treaty," The Toronto Star, 14
December 1999.

["OTTAWA - Under the patient eyes of Nisga'a leaders, an aboriginal treaty
that made parliamentary history has finally passed in the House of Commons.
Nisga'a chiefs Joe Gosnell and Harry Nyce looked on from the public
galleries yesterday as legislation implementing the treaty passed 217 to 48
... The House erupted in cheers after the vote."]

"Federal Probe Needs to Be Thorough," Omaha World-Herald, 14 December 1999, 22.

["News stories in recent days provided evidence of the bitter relationship
between Indians and the federal government that goes back for more than a
century. Improved relations should be a higher priority for both sides ...
The U.S. Civil Rights Commission heard testimony from tribal members last
week on problems in southwestern South Dakota and northwestern Nebraska ...
Mary Frances Berry, who heads the commission ... said the commission's
investigation of the claims brought against the FBI and other agencies
would be thorough. It needs to be thorough, not only for the good of the
Indians but also for that of the agencies. Once the truth is determined, no
matter where it points, an enormous amount of fence-mending should be next
on the agenda. The situation has gone on too long in an atmosphere of fear,
distrust and anger."]

Flesher, John. "Judge Allows Petoskey Casino to Reopen," The Associated
Press State & Local Wire, 14 December 1999.

["A federal judge Tuesday gave the go-ahead to reopen Victories Casino near
Petoskey, idled nearly four months by a legal tussle that may end up
costing its tribal owners more than $8 million. U.S. District Judge Robert
Holmes Bell ruled in Grand Rapids that problems with the casino property's
status had been resolved ... By the time Victories resumes operations, the
tribe probably will have lost between $8 million and $9 million in revenue,
[Jim Rider, the casino's general manager said."]

"Gila River Tribe Breaks Ground on New Heritage Center," The Associated
Press State & Local Wire, 14 December 1999.

["SACATON, Ariz.: The Gila River Indian Community held a groundbreaking
ceremony Tuesday to dedicate a new Hohokam cultural center and artifact
repository. The tribe and the Bureau of Reclamation are building the
Huhugam Heritage Center to honor the culture, history and language of the
ancient canal builders and farmers who lived in central and southern
Arizona for 14 centuries."]

Hammel, Paul. "Detox Centers Eyed for Pine Ridge," Omaha World-Herald, 14
December 1999, 16.

["Pine Ridge, S.D. If financial and political hurdles can be overcome, two
facilities for treating alcoholism problems at Whiteclay, Neb., and the
nearby Pine Ridge Indian Reservation could be available soon. Reservation
officials are working on plans for a $ 1.3 million detoxification center at
Pine Ridge. A six-bed treatment center for alcoholics in nearby Gordon,
Neb., is nearing completion of a $ 150,000 fund drive that would almost
double its size. Both facilities would address a pressing need for
alcohol-treatment facilities identified by federal civil rights officials
during a recent visit to the officially dry reservation and the nearby town
of Whiteclay."]

Hummels, Mark. "State Money Woes Due to Tax Losses," The Santa Fe New
Mexican, 14 December 1999, B-1.

["State economists told legislators Monday theyll have less money to spend
next year than had been thought. Revised revenue estimates reflect a state
economy still lagging behind national growth levels, and a potentially
worrisome trend of New Mexicans spending more of their paychecks on
nontaxable activities. Lottery sales, reservation gambling and purchases
made through the Internet or by catalog are among the most noteworthy of
untaxed spending ... Laird Graeser, an economist with the Taxation and
Revenue Department ... said additional tax losses related to lottery sales
and gambling at Indian casinos may cost the state another $ 40 million a

"Milk, Does It Do Every Body Good?" American Health Line, 14 December 1999.

["The "wholesome reputation" of milk is in jeopardy as the Physicians
Committee for Responsible Medicine announced plans to file a lawsuit this
week against the federal government "for being racially biased in its
dietary policy." Many adults, primarily minorities, gradually lose the
enzyme that breaks down lactose, a sugar in milk. This loss makes it
difficult for them to drink milk comfortably ...  Reviews by the Physicians
Committee show that roughly 90% of Asian Americans, 70% of African
Americans and Native Americans, 50% of Latinos and 15% of Caucasians are
lactose intolerant. Emerging research also suggests an association between
consuming cow's milk and a higher risk of diabetes, ovarian cancer and
prostate cancer ... Researchers do agree that there is still no "solid
proof" but argue there is enough evidence to warrant a reconsideration of
the "very vigorous type of pro-milk campaign" currently promoted in the
United States."]

"Natives Launch Lawsuit," The London Free Press, 14 December 1999, A12.

["OTTAWA: Metis and non-status Indians are going to court to force the
federal government to treat them on an equal footing with other natives
recognized in the country's laws. In a statement of claim to be filed in
the Federal Court of Canada today, the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples
disputes that Metis and non-status Indians don't fall within the federal
government's jurisdiction."]

Nelson, Margaret. "Heritage Center is Place to Share and Learn, Compass,"
Anchorage Daily News, 14 December 1999, 8B.

["Alaskans' dream of a place where all people can gather, celebrate and
perpetuate Alaska's Native cultures became a reality this summer with the
opening of the Alaska Native Heritage Center. I am happy to report that the
center recently completed a successful summer season ... From May 1 to
Sept. 30, about 70,000 people visited the center. Of those, half were part
of organized tours, 5,500 were Alaska Natives, and the rest were
independent visitors, Alaska and Anchorage residents and visiting friends
and relatives ... As planned, in October the Heritage Center shifted from a
seasonal cultural attraction to an educational facility for the community
... But perhaps more important, the vision of the center includes having
significant meaning for the Alaska Natives and their ways of life. Native
leaders and others hoped that the center, over time, would strengthen the
sense of pride among our people for who we are and a sense of pride for all
Alaskans. Also, it was hoped that the center would be a place where
Alaskans and others could come to understand Native ways, our values,
systems and beliefs. It was hoped that through education received at the
center, all people could move toward greater understanding of one another
in more positive ways."]

"New Tribe Leader Hopes to Restore Lost Land," The Associated Press State &
Local Wire, 14 December 1999.

["SPRAGUE RIVER, Ore.: Allen Foreman gazes at the Ponderosa pine forests,
small buttes and rocky hills of the Winema National Forest he once called
home. The place held spiritual significance for his Modoc Indian ancestors,
and embraced a 10,000-year history of the Klamath, Modoc and Snake River
Yahooskin people who make up the Klamath Tribes. Now all that's left of his
childhood home on the Klamath Reservation is a chimney stack. As newly
elected chairman of the once dispossessed Klamath Tribes, Foreman hopes to
reclaim 660,000 acres of former reservation that until just 45 years ago,
was home to one of the wealthiest tribes in the nation."]

Novak, Phil. "Crowfoot Was Peace Advocate: Sahpo-Muxiho," Calgary Herald,
14 December 1999, A2.

["Indian chief Sahpo-Muxiho was a famous warrior who participated in 19
battles. Yet the man better known as Crowfoot actually advocated peace with
whites in Western Canada."]

Pearson, Michael. "1,000 Years After Its Birth, Cahokia Mounds Civilization
Remains Provoking," The Associated Press State & Local Wire, 14 December 1999.

["CAHOKIA MOUNDS STATE HISTORIC SITE, Ill.: More than 1,000 years ago, a
group of native Americans reached down into the fertile soil of the
Mississippi River Valley, scooped the dark earth into wooden baskets and
began building a civilization of unprecedented proportions. To this day,
their mark remains vivid against the remnants of Illinois' ancient prairie:
an earthen mound of startling dimensions: 14 acres across, 100 feet high,
filled with 22 million cubic feet of dirt. It is Monks Mound, and it lies
at the heart of what was once the largest metropolis north of Mexico - a
thriving city of perhaps 20,000 people at the center of a trade network
that extended from the Gulf of Mexico to Michigan and east to the Great
Smoky Mountains and beyond ... Cahokia went from a fairly mundane village
of hunter-gatherers to a complex, crowded community in as little as a few
decades - an unprecedented time scale for prehistoric societies and a
highly unusual form of organization for early Native Americans, said
Timothy Pauketat, a University of Illinois archaeologist who specializes in
the site's origins ... Some archaeologists believe Mississippian society
was highly specialized, populated by farmers, craftsmen, warriors and
priests, not the generalist citizens who dominate the earliest societies."]

Seper, Jerry. "Housing Project for Indians Fizzles Under Cuomo; Promise of
300 Units Produces Only 20," The Washington Times, 14 December 1999, A6.

["Housing and Urban Development Secretary Andrew M. Cuomo has built 20 of
300 new homes he promised last year for the nation's poorest Indian
reservation - with little prospect that more construction will occur in the
near future. Even a significantly scaled-back pledge by President Clinton
in July of 50 new homes by early 2000 is unlikely, as Mr. Cuomo's proposed
"shared visions" housing plan for South Dakota's impoverished Pine Ridge
Indian Reservation has stalled ... Several tribal leaders believe Mr. Cuomo
exploited the nation's most economically depressed reservation to boost his
political viability at a time many feel he is positioning himself for a run
as New York governor in 2002 ... Paul Ironcloud, the tribe's housing
director, said only a few of the promised houses have been built."]

Stearns, Matt. "Contest-Winning Portrait Is a Multicultural Jesus," The
Kansas City Star, 14 December 1999, A1.

["In a move likely to stir up controversy, a   Kansas City-based Catholic
publication has   selected an updated image of Jesus Christ for   the new
millennium: dark-skinned and slightly   feminized. The image more
accurately   reflects an increasingly multicultural church -   and the
issues that confront it - than do   traditional depictions of Jesus, said
Michael   Farrell, editor of National Catholic   Reporter. The winning
painting was chosen   from nearly 1,700 entrants in a contest   sponsored
by the newspaper, a   50,000-circulation progressive weekly ... "Jesus of
the   People" was done by Janet McKenzie, 51, a   Vermont artist who has
specialized in religious   subjects for the last few years. McKenzie,   who
said she is spiritual but not Catholic,   used an African-American woman as
her model for   Jesus ... The painting's multicultural theme is furthered
with representations of the yin-yang symbol and   a feather on each side of
the robed and haloed   Jesus.  The yin-yang symbol is an Asian symbol   of
harmony, and the feather represents   transcendent knowledge and pays
homage to   American-Indian spirituality, McKenzie said."]

Sweendy, James P. "Judge Rules in Tule River Gaming," Copley News Service,
14 December 1999.

["FRESNO: A Central California tribe, one of the last holdouts against a
tribal-state gambling agreement negotiated by Gov. Gray Davis, was ordered
Monday by a federal judge to shut down its lucrative slot machines. In a
ruling that appeared to stun leaders and attorneys for the Tule River band,
U.S. District Judge Anthony W. Ishii scheduled a Jan. 10 hearing to set a
timetable and outline a process for mothballing the tribes' nearly 500 slot
machines ... Tule River, a medium-sized gaming tribe by California
standards, was the first to push ahead with litigation rather than accept
terms of a compact negotiated over two frantic weeks by the Davis
administration and other California tribal leaders ... Assistant U.S.
Attorney Ed Brennan applauded the ruling, which he said restores ''the
balance intended under Indian gaming law.'' ... The tribe will have more
than a month to ponder its options, which apparently include reconsidering
the offer the Davis administration has on the table."]

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           Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)

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