> > Let's not make this personal.
> I was refering to the difficulty to design interfaces for
> functionality that seemed to be not completely understood by the
> respective designer, according to his own words in the last IRC
> discussion. I don't see how that's personal. It's a dilemma unrelated
> to the actual person.

It was personal because you were talking about something specific to a
particular person. Let's stick to discussing the proposal. :)

> > Not true. I described a number of positive consequences of simplicity.
> Simplicity is great for every individual user as long as nothing that
> he/she actually needs is removed. The problem is that the feature set
> that people use is not a homogenous set. The design has to start with a
> definition of the target audience. Only after that you can assert what
> features your target audience are unlikely to need (and even then,
> that's hard enough).

Agreed. GNOME as a whole needs to define its target audience. Work is
being done on a set of personas. That will help.


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