Am Donnerstag, den 01.07.2010, 17:05 +0100 schrieb Allan Day:
> Can you explain why you require the tree view and why the proposed
> enhancements are not sufficient? Citing specific use cases would be
> really helpful. I'd also be interested to hear whether you use tree view
> all the time, or just in specific situations (and if so, what they are).

I use places and tree view sidebar almost equally often. 

For private/hobby stuff I use usually places. 
This is indeed a simpler, cleaner way to access important places in a
fast manner, as it gives a good overview of your user-specific stuff,
like music and videos, downloaded stuff, documents and so on. I don't
need "/" access from the places side bar. I would make more use of
bookmarks, however they are buggy.

Tree view
I use  for work/university the tree view very often, because I keep a
lot of information and data in a hierarchical order. I have to maintain
many tex-files, pictures, data sheets, tables and papers. I can't
maintain them without a tree view (well, my limited mind can not imagine
another way of sorting that amount of information).
  I also install many Programs to /opt/. To start them I just use the
"/" access in the tree view, that's very convenient for me. Adding start
buttons is not a good solution, as the the programs in /opt/ change
  The tree view is "boring": It is difficult to navigate between many
expanded folders. This makes me tired, however working with a lot of
data is probably that kind of work.

I use the PC for both, private and work. Switching from tree view to the
places sidebar is like leisure time.

I grew up with the windows explorer and the hierarchical view on
personal data. With F-Spot I realized that hierarchical view is not
always the best. But: Until it is possible to administrate the wast
amount of data of my work with tags or whatever, I would rather use the
old fashioned way. I think Zeitgeist offers a great possibility to make
file management better than with a tree view. 

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