
Today's most active topics:

* Windows Ada database support. - 7 new

* how can i allocate an objekt with initialization??? - 5 new

* Experiences of XML parser generators for Ada? - 3 new

* A question re meaning/use of the "for ... use ..." - 3 new

* Ada.Calendar and number of seconds in a day - 2 new

Active Topics

how can i allocate an objekt with initialization??? - 5 new
...Since you are initializing an element form the parent class you need to 
initialize the child as well: TEST:= new CHILD_CLASS'( INT1 =>1 INT2 =>1); 
only the other way round you can shortcut: TEST:= new CHILD_CLASS'( FATHER_
CLASS - Mon, Dec 6 2004 9:52 am
5 messages, 3 authors

Experiences of XML parser generators for Ada? - 3 new
...The idea of XML, and of *separating* markup from format, predates both HTML
and CSS. (And note how the required "alt" attribute of the HTML "img" tag is 
rendered by many browsers...) Usually, a style sheet and an XML document 
instance _are_ separate, they can be combined freely using one processing 
instruction. - Mon, Dec 6 2004 11:18 am
3 messages, 3 authors

Would You Fly an Airplane with a Linux-Based Control System? - 1 new
...Politics. People seem not to be able to handle the fact that a US DoD 
designed language is better for writing mission critical software than their 
favourite language of the month. As a result, Ada is blamed (even wrongly) 
whenever possible. "Look! You get spectacular fireworks displays with Ada as 
well as with our language!" - Mon, Dec 6 2004 7:20 am
1 message, 1 author

Ada.Calendar and number of seconds in a day - 2 new
hello, i'm using the package Ada.Calendar and have a little problem with the 
type Day_Duration. it is defined as: subtype Day_Duration is Duration range 0.
0 .. 86_400.0; this makes 86401 different seconds. but if i count them right, 
i have: 60 s/min * 60 min/h * 24 h/day = 86400 this makes 86400 different 
seconds in a day. - Mon, Dec 6 2004 2:31 pm
2 messages, 1 author

Windows Ada database support. - 7 new
...... ...When I get the time to put APQ up on Source Forge, then these 
shouldn't be hard to add to APQ, but volunteers. ...On the relational side, it
is currently near impossible to be "totally independent on what happens 
beneath". However, I believe APQ comes close (this was one of its design goals)
. - Mon, Dec 6 2004 9:48 am
7 messages, 4 authors

Evaluation of Ada-compilers and IDE:s - 1 new
I don't know of any papers, but perhaps if you described what sort of 
application you are creating others may have more input from their practical 
experiences. For example, I use GNAT extensively for Win32 GUI Desktop 
applications and COM/DCOM programming including my development on a Delphi 
alternative that is already (very) partially functional - Mon, Dec 6 2004 10:
06 am
1 message, 1 author

A question re meaning/use of the "for ... use ..." - 3 new
...The ARG discussed this long ago, and concluded that such a facility isn't 
needed. That's because Unchecked_Conversion provides the needed support. 
Indeed, this is one of the few cases where the result of Unchecked_Conversion 
is defined by the language (using it in this way will work on all Ada 
compilers). There was some discussion about syntax guides - Mon, Dec 6 2004 1:
59 pm
3 messages, 3 authors

neopet hacking - 1 new
this is just get reffarels - Mon, Dec 6 2004 1:32 pm
1 message, 1 author


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