
I created and index and updated the properties so their are added in the 
index :)

Then now I am able to run queries and they are really fast :)
But is this schema based index some kind of btree or lucene text index, 
so if I move to this new schema index instead of legacy lucene native, 
does this new schema index supports a way to run a text query? maybe 
for example with a wild card match like in text index instead of only exact 
Is there a way to do this with schema index?

Below I show an example of what I mean, I run some queries with the STARTS 
WITH function
but can I do something like the lucene syntax to match several options?

Thanks for your help,

neo4j-sh (?)$ create index on :Node(name);
| No data returned. |
Indexes added: 1
2922 ms

neo4j-sh (?)$ match (n) set n.name = n.name;
| No data returned. |
Properties set: 4100000
49225 ms

neo4j-sh (?)$ match (n:Node{name:'iamnode10'}) return n limit 10;
| n                                           |
| Node[10]{name:"iamnode10"} |
1 row
4 ms

// wildcard query
neo4j-sh (?)$ match (n:Node{name:'iamnode1*'}) return n limit 10;

// works like the query above, but how can I do other type of text query
MATCH (n:Node) WHERE n.name STARTS WITH 'iamnode1' RETURN n LIMIT 10;

On Friday, March 11, 2016 at 2:26:34 PM UTC-6, Hugo Labra wrote:
> Hello, 
> I am trying to create an index but I have not been able to get results 
> back when I query it.
> Hugo

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