On Jan 8, 5:46 pm, micha...@aol.com wrote:
> Nick,
> Very long response.  I read it.
> Amazingly, you made a response that didn't argue why everyone should do it  
> along with all the money they would save (like a typical salesman would  
> do).

I'm an engineer, not a random tree-hugger...

> I am against the idea of solar and other power conserving ideas.

Why? Appropriate technology is good - in our case, the heat pump is
very very cost effective - no nasty chemicals or expensive life-cycle,
and a very short payback (3.5 years or less). The heat pump is
classified as solar (as opposed to geothermal which is what you get in

> You have any pictures of your setups?  Never seen a home  turbine.   :)

We don't have a turbine - no possible economic argument stands up for
it where we are. We buy green electricity from a commercial supplier.

Here's a picture of the half assembled heat pump and thermal (hot
water) store... the heat pump is on the left and is quite small - it
just sits there and hums a bit. The big white box is a 300ltr thermal
store for hot water - lots of insulation - even when -15C or more
outside, it'll be re-filled about every 40 minutes... plumbing looks
complex but is actually pretty straight forward - almost identical to
a standard "main pressure" (no header tank) system - no special
training needed.


> You do have an impressive setup.  I am sure the "project" was the  payoff
> to you, Not the actual savings. (Like making your own nixie clock is far  
> more expensive (time, money, etc) than simply buying premade.

Its a matter of principle, but also has to pay for itself in under 5



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