On 22 Mar 2012, at 13:43, David Forbes wrote:

> If it were me, I'd capture the schematic into a CAD program, generate a new 
> layout as a double-sided board, and have it manufactured by the modern method 
> of Gerber files.
> -- 
> David Forbes, Tucson AZ

Yes David, but we don't know if he wants to be authentic and faithful to the 
original. In the case of some 1950s Wurlitzer and Seeburg jukebox boards I did 
last year people wanted the same retro curves as laid out originally on acetate 
with sticky pads and crepe tape. In my case I used a background scan and traced 
over the curved trackwork.

Do sad people spend all their time looking at their PCBs? I did dissuade them 
from using the original cheap resin/paper material as that tends to cook a lot 
with tube technology, especially around Seeburg's edge connectors.

John S

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