On 07/19/2012 09:14 PM, coggs wrote:
> So beautiful. I will admit to collecting a few flip-dots. Driving 
> strategies are not dissimilar to nixes. Hard to come by. Must watch 
> municipal auctions when they retire bus fleets. Either the buses go intact 
> to 3rd world countries or many going into shredders with the bus.

Ah, another closet flip-dot collector.  I have a speed radar "MPH" sign
that works with my speed gun and quite a few bus signs.  I managed to
get in there when AVS, the electric bus company in Chattanooga, TN went
bankrupt and got a few.  Someone had removed all the driver boxes though.

I see a clock in the future, though only an HH:MM one.  I could imagine
bouncing off the walls, stark raving mad after listening to those things
flip once a second for a few days :-)

I almost got a freeway overhead one.  Alas, the junk dealer said take
the whole sign (requiring a flatbed truck and cherry picker) or nothing.
 He wouldn't let me strip out the display boards.  *sob*

> Came by this site. He is something of a bus-sign flip-dot curator 
> http://www.rollsigngallery.com/transitstore-esigns.html

That has to be the ugliest website I've ever seen.  Either that or the
new Firefox they just pushed out is really hosed.


John DeArmond
Tellico Plains, Occupied TN
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