On Monday, November 21, 2011 12:51:05 AM UTC-8, fixitsan wrote:
> >
> > The 1000 hours lifetime is hopefully a misprint, there shouldn't be
> > that much difference in the build to shorten it by 9000 hours and why
> > continue to build a vastly inferior tube when you have a functionally
> > identical and improved design available?.
> > Tony.
> That is an excellent point Tony.
> The cost to build the IV17 must be about the same as the IV4, so pin
> compatibility means you would naturally choose the better tube for the
> same price, and the low demand for the IV4 would put them out of
> production, if there were major difference between them (and the cost
> was the same)
Not trying to be argumentative here, but "you would naturally choose the 
better tube for the
same price" made be chuckle, since, we are talking about tubes produced and 
used in the Soviet Union here.

The Soviet Union's economic system did not utilize the concept of "price" 
by definition, as it was communism.

Thus, it is entirely possible that causes purely political or otherwise 
unknown and about which it is difficult to speculate account for the 
existence and simultaneous production of these nearly identical tubes.

> I had an amusing thought, that the IV4 and the IV17 both continued to
> be made just to make the factory appear to have a broader product
> range.
> Could there be a benefit to showing you had a wider range of products
> in preference to producing higher volumes of a smaller range?
> Chris

That's actually a clever and insightful speculation about what might have 
gone on in the minds of communist factory managers. 

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