On 16 Apr 2015, at 20:48, robin bussell wrote:

> Can you tell me more about "Walking the tree of word association" sounds 
> interesting ... does each word have stored with it the most likely next words 
> according to a literature analysis or something?

No, I think it was that old game where you could change one letter in a word at 
a time, look through the list, see if a suitable word was in your vocab. If 
not, then whizz through the loop another time and choose another combo.  Which 
is OK I guess, but to me not all that  clever and not much better than random, 
except perhaps elegant in that fewer segments ever change. With Chris Barron's 
Smartsockets they provide the means where by such boring, yet subtle, changes 
don't ever happen, through the rather clever transition styles that are 

I like the randomness of my clock in profanity mode, especially if anyone of an 
ecclesiastic, other religious or mystic bent comes around to bore me senseless, 
erm, I mean entertain me.

I do like to see people choke on words. A random scatter of photons that can 
elicit such reactions is revealing of entrenched viewpoints in an individual. 
The problem will be entirely theirs. Don't worship graven images is a phrase to 
which should be added: don't take offence to the written word. Just in case 
someone doesn't realise a word is also a graven, or in our case electronically 
illuminated, image. We are all slaves to our own preconceptions, myself 

Am I being impolite? Well if you were in an Arab country and someone offered 
you the sheep's eyeball, it would be you who was impolite to refuse the 
delicacy. It all depends on social context.

Should art provoke as well as entertain and be completely sycophantic? If there 
is no profit or political motive, then art can do what it damn well pleases in 
my book and you can damn well ignore it as you see fit. 

I am invited and entreated these days to embrace every minority group and 
religion under the sun as being valid in some way, merely because it implies 
its existence and asserts itself. Therefore, I also reserve the right to 
challenge assumptions in any way I see fit, without the need to apologise. If 
an arrangement of letters should result in a sequence that shocks, so be it. If 
it delights then no apology is ever necessary. If it offends, then ooh dear, we 
better all watch out for the thought police.

Freedom of speech is the most important right in the world. People aren't 
stupid, let them make up their own minds on the basis of who or what (the word 
clock) said, in what context it was said and in the milieu or to whom it was 

A sense of humus is necessary for every keen gardener,


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