On 01/27/2016 12:24 AM, John Rehwinkel wrote:

> I did a lot of research and looked at many architectures before
> settling on the Atmel AVR line, with their strong flash support
> (Atmel was a big flash memory manufacturer), their $79 demo board
> that also served as an in-circuit programmer (open source, with a
> documented protocol, too), widely available tool set, and gcc support
> so I could program in C.

Early on, I took one look at the PIC architecture and dev environment,
puked and stayed with the tried and true 8051.  Then Atmel came along.
Angles sang.  Harps played.. OK, well I am getting carried away a bit.

> Over the years, Microchip slowly learned how the market works, and
> eventually did document their programmer protocol, and even made a
> hamhanded attempt to offer their tools for modern operating systems,
> but they still had the horrid UI typical of MS-DOS software, and were
> horrible bloatware.

Atmel isn't much better with their Studio environment.  Fortunately
there are the GNU toolchains.

> I'm a little dubious about Microchip taking over, and it would be a
> shame if they attempted to shut down the AVR line, programmers,
> tools, and support.

They bought Atmel because Atmel is winning and MicroChip is losing in
the embedded market.  The hobbyists are a tiny segment.  The commercial
and consumer side are where they are winning.  We're a tiny manufacturer
but we've used well over a thousand AT90PWMs.

If you take stuff apart to see what's inside like I do, you'll notice
that more and more Atmel parts are winning design-ins whereas a few
years ago PICs would have ruled.
> Fortunately by now, the Arduino movement has branched out, and
> supports a wide variety of other CPU architectures (ARM, MSP430, LXP,
> the pointless Intel efforts, and many others), so even if Microchip
> kills off that cash cow, I'll have my pick of architectures to move
> to (these days, you can get a serious ARM CPU in DIP format, useful
> for breadboarding).  However, I hope they leave well enough alone.

I do too.  I'm results-oriented (I enjoy seeing the results of my work,
not the work itself) so I don't want to have to learn another
architecture if I don't have to.  I am dipping my toes in the ARM waters
but there are so damn many variations...  Already made one mistake with
the BeagleBoard Black.


John DeArmond
Tellico Plains, Occupied TN
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