
TI makes a thing called the Tiva C Launchpad. A sub $20 ARM board with USB (even Ethernet on some models!). It can be programmed with Energia, which is a spinoff of the Arduino IDE.

Basically, an Arduino style board with a lot more CPU power.

I still haven't found how to integrate the CPU into a user project without the board, while retaining the easy reprogramming. The LaunchPad boards have TWO ARM CPUs on them.

The $20 board with Ethernet

The $13 board without Ethernet

On 1/27/16 9:06 AM, NeonJohn wrote:

On 01/27/2016 09:22 AM, Nick wrote:
+1 on hating the PIC "architecture".

I was always an AVR man, then I discovered the MSP430 series... :)

Interesting.  I plugged MPS430 into mouser and what came up is a large
100 pin chip that is fairly expensive.  Are there smaller versions in
the series?  I guess I have a lot of reading to do.

I'm in a quandary.  In upcoming products, I need more power than the
AVRs can provide.  I feel like I should be on the ARM bandwagon but I
have no idea where to start.  This TI chip looks interesting but it
chaps me to have to pay for dev tools. Yeah, I know the GNU chain is
free but sometimes one just has to have a source code debugger.


David Forbes, Tucson AZ

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