Sorry, but I do not understand this race to the bottom, that produces products that look like products that work. Why not just buy a working chip for the price of a working chip, and save yourself the hassle and disillusionment that comes with a part whose price is clearly too low to be a working product?

The odds of the rest of the module working properly are not too high. You might spend hours dealing with the fallout of saving ten dollars.

On 2/4/16 8:04 AM, gregebert wrote:
Lesson learned: You get what you pay for.

I bought a $2 US realtime clock module on Ebay, imported from China, and
the DS3231 chip appears to be counterfeit because it was not keeping
accurate time. I was suspicious about the price, considering I paid almost
$8 US just for the DS3231 from a reputable supplier. Over a few days, it
lost about 1 hour of time.

After replacing the chip with a genuine Maxim DS3231, it's running

A quick web-search found there are several others who have experienced this.

Despite having to replace the RTC chip, the module itself is still worth
the price because it included a rechargeable Li-ion coin battery and a
serial EEPROM (no time yet to see if that's working correctly...)

David Forbes, Tucson AZ

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