On 05/13/2016 01:57 PM, gregebert wrote:

> NEVER use a microwave oven transformer; they are deadly because there is no 
> current-limiting, and their voltage is probably too low anyways.

A MOT actually IS currently limited using the same stray flux technology
as neon transformers.  If you look at a MOT, you'll see the center leg
has an air gap just like NST.  The dangerous part is that they current
limit at several AMPS at about 2kV.  Very deadly.

But very handy too.  You can saw the secondary off, put a few turns of
welding cable in its place, add accessories and have a mighty fine spot
welder.  The stray flux limits the current so you don't blow a breaker
with the short circuit during spot welding.

Take two and connect the primaries voltage additive, figure out the
correct number of turns and connect the primaries to 240 and you have a
fine welder.  You can vary the current by varying the air gap.  More gap
== more current.  I once made a handy little portable welder by cutting
about a half inch off the center leg and then arranging a lead screw and
nut that drove a wedge of laminated iron into the gap.  Retracted wedge
== more heat.

Because they're so handy, I grab every MOT I can get my hands on.


John DeArmond
Tellico Plains, Occupied TN
http://www.tnduction.com    <-- THE source for induction heaters
http://www.neon-john.com    <-- email from here
http://www.johndearmond.com <-- Best damned Blog on the net
https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/BarbraJoanOriginals/neu <-- Fine Art Originals
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