I put together a graph showing max output current for Vin and Vout:


And a picture of it driving some IN-12 tubes (my test load of choice) at 
177V  from a LiPo battery:


On Thursday, November 9, 2017 at 9:11:03 PM UTC-5, Paul Andrews wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been beavering away on a nixie tube power supply using an 
> off-the-shelf flyback transformer (I wanted to be able to use it in battery 
> powered clocks, but be able to use the same basic design in larger clocks 
> with a 12V supply). I've written the whole process up on hackaday.io 
> <https://hackaday.io/project/27899-nixie-tube-power-supply> if you are 
> interested. It works fine. It isn't in the same league as (for example) the 
> John Taylor power supply, but it is small, produces enough power for most 
> purposes (easily producing 20mA/200V with 12V in for example) and is pretty 
> feature rich - you can enable/disable it and vary the output voltage from 
> 0V to 200V either with a resistor or a PWM signal.
> My intention was really to have a design that I could integrate directly 
> into a clock PCB, rather than it be a standalone module, and one that I 
> could tailor to specific clocks - so for example I have a smaller version 
> that uses a smaller 1:20 transformer that works fine for four tubes being 
> driven from a LiPo or USB - but I *have* actually produced some boards 
> over at OSHPark.
> I hope you all don't think it is *too *bad an effort - I am no electrical 
> engineer - and if you are so inclined, feel free to use the design however 
> you like.
> - Paul

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