> On Dec 15, 2019, at 3:26 PM, GastonP <ghpic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hoarder... :)

I'll take that as a complement (if it was referring to me). All of it has been 
stored in a smoke free, climate controlled environment. An environment that's 
crammed full. The heart of my Nixie collection is test gear that a friend 
(who's even more of a hoarder and has better stuff) reluctantly gave to me 
before he had to pack up and move to a smaller house.

Terry Bowman, KA4HJH
"The Mac Doctor"

Q: Should car stereo speakers be pointed to the rear for more thrust or up for 
more traction?

A. On long trips, the 20- to 30% improvement in gas mileage you might get with 
speakers pointing to the rear is certainly worthwhile. On the other hand, if 
you drive on snow or ice, the extra traction of speakers pointing upward gives 
you added control.

Don Lancaster

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