My apologies for the rambling nature of this clumsy post but my brain isn't as 
good as it was in 12th grade English class anymore...

While we're all waiting for someone to kickstart the NixieBase project there's 
something simpler that I'd like to see—a detailed list of all of the "oddball" 
characters in Nixie symbol tubes. That is, what they indicate and what devices 
they were actually used in. In the case of the Soviet Nixies there are a few 
with Cyrillic letters. It would be nice to know what letters they are and what 
technical terms they stood for (such as the Russian word for "overload"). We've 
discussed this a couple of times before (one was an IN-5 variant, IIRC) but 
what we really need is a complete list of everything. Such a list would 
probably never actually be complete but we should start compiling one.

As an example, I have a B-54360 which is a dual column, side-by-side Nixie 
tube. One column has "A, C, D, R, V" so obviously this tube was designed for a 
specific application other than a counter or a meter. Unfortunately, I don't 
know what the characters in the other column are. I've searched and no one 
seems to have one in their collection. I guess I'll have to put my Pro Nixie 
Tester together and light them all up.

Then there is the famous "spiral" in tubes like the ITT58GSST. That one has the 
symbols "+, −, ~, (spiral)" so obviously it was a prefix tube for a voltmeter 
and/or ammeter but what does the spiral indicate? I've been told that it was 
"overload" which seems logical enough. A friend of mine says that he saw the 
spiral used in something like a gas chromatograph to indicate that the oven was 
still warming up so who knows? Perhaps it was used for multiple applications.

BTW, has anyone ever actually seen an IN-5A or IN-5B? (no "-1" after the 
letter). According to the Franzman "database" they both had five Cyrillic 
letters with only one in common. The dash-one tubes (IN-5A-1 and IN-5B-1) are 
commonplace but are both missing two letters. And the IN-5x tubes appear to 
have no companion numeric tube unlike he IN-7x, IN-15x, and In-19x.

Please correct me if I have any of this wrong.

Terry Bowman, KA4HJH
"The Mac Doctor"

“The book said something astonishing, a very big thought.
It said that the stars were suns, only very far away.
The Sun was a star, but close up.”—Carl Sagan, Cosmos, 1980

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