> On Apr 17, 2021, at 10:23 PM, Yohan Park <w...@kitsunegari.net> wrote:
> Yes, the ones I have also use an M22K (220K) resistor.
> The tubes in mine aren't labeled at all but they're the more common MTH-90 
> tube without a nipple on top and the unit has clear lenses.
> They come without any screws to attach the top cover to the lower part of the 
> case so it seems they're meant to be screwed on to something else.

I just received four more with clear lenses instead of red. The tubes have 
round lenses instead of nipples and are clearly marked "MTX-90" although that's 
difficult to see. The black plastic bases are identical. The lids are the same 
as the ones with red lenses although the plastic is slightly whiter. So far so 

The big difference is the front panel. The plastic has the same whiteness as 
the lid but its surface is rough, not smooth, and the numerals are slightly 
different in shape. I suspect that it was made with a different die. There's 
another variant on eBay that has a gray panel and doubled numbers like this: 
"1(5)", "2(6)" and so on. I'm wondering if different panels were made for 
different applications.

If I get the chance I'll take some more pictures. I'm still wondering what 
their application was and how to wire one up.

Terry Bowman, KA4HJH
"The Mac Doctor"


“...the book said something astonishing, a very big thought. The stars, it 
said, were suns but very far away. The Sun was a star but close up.”—Carl 
Sagan, "The Backbone Of Night", Cosmos, 1980

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