On Dec 11, 2008, at 4:01 PM, christopher ashby wrote:

> (i tried adding the "/opt/nessus/auto" to this but after which
> received the following error, i'm not so concerned with this error):
> Insecure directory in $ENV{PATH} while running with -T switch at
> ./update-nessus-plugins line 291.

This means /opt/nessus/auto is world-writable! You probably want to  
fix that.

> the scripts execute and the plugins are updated, however (i've been
> watching the RSS for new or updated plugins) and when i re-run the
> script (knowing that new or updated plugins are available) the scripts
> throws a generic error indicating that W32.Sassor nasl isn't
> available,

I have released a new version of the script; one of the changes it to  
not abort if a plugin such as this isn't available - 


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