If you check the site there are instructions for downloading plugins for use
with a non-Internet connected scanner. To my knowledge there are no limits
to how many machines can be scanned using nessus and a professional feed. If
you are wanting the Security Center (which is licensed differently than just
purchasing a direct feed) I'd recommend talking directly to the Tenable
folks rather than the general support list.


From: nessus-boun...@list.nessus.org [mailto:nessus-boun...@list.nessus.org]
On Behalf Of Brown, Scott CTR -Navair - Siap
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 9:02 AM
To: nessus@list.nessus.org
Subject: Stand-Alone Systems
Importance: High


Good morning. My question pertains to stand-alone networks.  We are in the
process of evaluating Nessus for one of our stand-alone systems.  If we
where to purchase Nessus, would we be able to download only the plug-in's
and install them on our scan box that is inside the network?  My scan box
will not have any outside (internet) connections so it will not be able to
download any updates.  Also what are the limitations on the number of
machines I can scan with a purchaced professional copy?  Thanks much.... 





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