On Thu, 2005-08-25 at 13:06 +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> For host2 I have "myuser" as the username and "mypassword" as the password.

What is the access control setup on "host2" ?

> For host3 I have a community name configured as "v2community". i.e
> rocommunity v2community
> rwcommunity v2community

**WHY** do people insist on duplicating community settings like this.
If you've got a read-write community setting, you don't need a
read-only directive with the same community name.  read-write access
*includes* read access.  That's what the word "read" means!!!!

[Sorry - but you pushed a button!]

> when I execute a command like
> snmpget -v 3 -u myuser -n myContext -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A mypassword
>       host2 system.sysName.0
> it fails

Which host is rejecting the request?
Is host2 passing it on to host3 (which then rejects it),
or does host2 reject it before it ever gets to host3?

If you run the agent on host3 using something like

        snmpd -f -Le -d

you should see packet dumps for all traffic in and out.
This should indicate whether the requests are getting that
far or not.


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