        Thank you very much for replying
                I am using net-snmp version  5.1.2, I have read a lots
of documents for proxy settings, but no use of it. My requirement is
there are 3BPL modems , they dehaves as subagents, they are having same
OIDS, I am trying to retrives the values from the same OID's, And my
configuration file shows

# Here we define the access control details about the agent
# First, map the community name "public" into a "security name"
#                       sec.name       source                  community

com2sec                 notConfigUser     default               public
com2sec                 ConfigUser        default               private
com2sec -Cn modemhost1  remhost1    public
com2sec -Cn modemhost2  remhost2    public
com2sec -Cn modemhost3  remhost3    public

# Second, map the security name into a group name:
#         groupName      securityModel    securityName

group   notConfigGroup       v1           notConfigUser
group   notConfigGroup       v2c          notConfigUser
group   ConfigGroup          v1           ConfigUser
group   ConfigGroup          v2c          ConfigUser
group     remotehost1        v1           remhost1
group     remotehost1        v2c          remhost1
group     remotehost2        v1           remhost2
group     remotehost2        v2c          remhost2
group     remotehost3        v1           remhost3
group     remotehost3        v2c          remhost3

# Third, create a view for us to let the group have rights to:
#          name          incl/excl       subtree

view     systemview      included        .1.3.6
view     systemview      included        mib-2
view     systemview      included        snmpV2
view     systemview      included        .
view     systemview      included        .
view     systemview      included        .
view     systemview      included        .

# Finally, grant the group read-only access to the systemview view.
#          group       context  sec.model  sec.level prefix    read
write      notif

access  notConfigGroup  ""     any         noauth    exact  systemview
none            none
access  notConfigGroup  ""     any         noauth    exact  systemview
none            none
access  ConfigGroup      ""     any         noauth    exact  systemview
systemview      none
access  ConfigGroup     ""     any         noauth    exact  systemview
systemview      none
access  remotehost1     modemhost1     any         noauth    exact
systemview         none            none
access  remotehost2     modemhost2     any         noauth    exact
systemview  none            none
access  remotehost3     modemhost3     any         noauth    exact
systemview  none            none

proxy -Cn  modemhost1  -v 2c -c public  remotehost1
proxy  -Cn modemhost2 -v 2c -c public  remotehost2
proxy  -Cn modemhost3 -v 2c -c public  remotehost2
If I run the agent with above mentioned snmpd configuration file I am
getting an error like.

/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf: line 48: Error: bad source address
/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf: line 49: Error: bad source address
/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf: line 50: Error: bad source address
net-snmp: 3 error(s) in config file(s)

Here line 48 means "com2sec -Cn modemhost1  remhost1    public"
And line 49 means "com2sec -Cn modemhost2  remhost1    public"
And line 50 means "com2sec -Cn modemhost3  remhost1    public"

I don't know  when to use context name even I don't know where things
are going wrong . Please help me out from this problem, Can I get any
good document regarding proxy settings with example .

      With Regards.
G.Siva Prakash Reddy.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Dave Shield
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 3:51 AM
To: Siva Prakash Reddy G
Cc: net-snmp-coders@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: snmp proxy settings.

On 27/04/07, Siva Prakash Reddy G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         I am very new to Net-snmp,How to write proxy settings (
> snmpd.conf ) for multiple agents. if anybody knows. please do let me
> know.

Can you be a little more explicit about exactly what you mean by this.
What exactly are you trying to monitor?

Which version of the code are you working with?
Which version(s) of SNMP can you use?

I suspect that the thread "Proxy questions" on the users list (starting
on 26th April) may be of some use to you.


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